During the American Revolution, there was one American patriot who was known for being an excellent soldier, general and leader of men. He was also a confidant of George Washington. His name was Benedict Arnold. To Americans today, Arnold is known as a traitor to his country. Born out of jealousy, from lack of perceived recognition for his efforts, Benedict Arnold betrayed his fellow Americans to the British. America still won its independence, and Benedict Arnold spent the rest of his life in England.
For decades it was an insult to call someone a "Benedict Arnold." When I was a boy I can remember we used the term to label someone who we considered a friend and they had "stabbed you in the back," or someone who had not done the honorable thing. I doubt there are many kids coming up through the public schools today who would know who Benedict Arnold is.
During the early days of the Cold War, the Rosenburgs achieved fame by selling U.S. nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union. The Rosenburgs were to go down in history as a couple executed for treason. During the 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s there have been several cases where Americans sold government secrets to foreign countries. In each case, these people were given prison sentences. Some have regained their freedom, even though they have been labeled traitors. Over time, it seems that what is considered treason, and how to deal with traitors, has been so watered down that just about anything goes.
Today we have two well known Americans who, by definition, are traitors to their country, but yet they have never been charged, much less tried or convicted. On top of this, they are immensely popular in American society. Lets look at these two people.
The first person is a woman. This individual traveled to a foreign country hostile to the United States and not only voiced support for that country’s government, but advocated their victory against the U.S., which was at war with them. Jane Fonda openly worked against her country and increased the suffering of her fellow Americans who were being held as prisoners of war in North Vietnam. My father-in-law, a Vietnam veteran, won’t go see any movie Jane has made. My father will only watch "Barbra-ella" (if that is how it’s spelled). Dad says Jane was at her best in that flick, doing what she does best.
The second person is a man. This man traveled to a foreign country (England) where he mobilized the locals in protest in front of the U.S. embassy against the Unites States’ involvement in Vietnam. Later this man spent time in the Soviet Union. Today he is President of the United States. Bill Clinton has repeatedly shown a decisive lack of character, morals and true support for the ideas that America was founded on.
These two "Americans" have been able, despite their un-American actions, to build very popular, successful careers in this country. As you might expect, I find a lot less enthusiasm for these two traitors in the South than in the rest of the U.S. As the morals of our founding fathers pass into history like the men and women who held them so dear, the United States is headed down the same road that Rome traveled. The United States is looking at collapse from within rather than attack from without. By holding these two pathetic examples of modern "mainstream" society up as ideals of American success, the American culture declares the path it desires to take. A path that will lead to destruction for the U.S.
The South must hold on to the tried and true ideas of the people that founded the American idea of freedom and liberty; ideas built on a Christian foundation. If the South maintains its hold on the moral high ground and promotes the character building values of our forefathers, we will be able to maintain our society and rise like a Phoenix from the flames when the U.S. falls into ruin. Southerners need to hold on to certain truths, and one way to do this is to recognize what a traitor is and boldly state this fact to our children. Let our children know that Jane Fonda and Bill Clinton are the antithesis of what we desire them to grow up to be.
Jeff Adams
February 23, 1999