In a style that is all too typical for politicians the world over today, the European Commission is planning on proposing a far-reaching plan to increase its powers. The Commission claims it cannot get things done because of restrictions imposed by EU members.
Actually, this sounds like the ideal situation already. Just like the American Articles of Confederation, and the original understanding of a federal government under the U.S. Constitution, the central government has little power to do anything without significant consent of the member states. The lack of power in the hands of unelected officials in the EU organization is really whats driving this proposal. The politicians desirous of a European empire are getting bolder in their moves to consolidate their authority over Europe, and then exert their will on the rest of the world.
Ironically, one of the "reasons" they use for pushing for the move to form a federal (read dictatorial) government for all of Europe is Euroscepticism. What looked like a victory for the rights and sovereignty of member states when the Irish voted "No" on the Treaty of Nice is being used as a reason for consolidating power. The fact is that people are losing confidence in a poorly understood and complex system that is too remote, and is delivering policies many dont want. Therefore, it makes perfect sense to consolidate power anyway if you are a politician. (Note: the Irish vote, and the politicians actions are proof that your vote doesnt count, and you dont truly have a voice in the "new" EU.)
This is classic Newspeak as used in the novel 1984. In this case, the Irish "No," means "Yes." The idea of a federalized government, which means "the distribution of power between a central authority and its constituent units," is perverted to mean "a centralized authoritarian government with subordinate member units." Just for clarification, the definition of "constituent" is "one who authorizes another to act as their agent." Obviously "constituent" is the superior position (and a good argument concerning States Rights, but that is a topic for another time).
If the "Europhiles" succeed in their quest, the commission will be made a full-fledged executive answerable to a more powerful EU parliament. This means individuals, and their member states/nations will have less say in their domestic activities and a more remote, centralized political power structure will dictate how people will live and work.
Does any of this sound familiar to those Americans who know and understand our history? Are we really all that different from the Europeans? In two ways: First, we have a tradition of individualism and rebellion against tyranny. Second, at least for the moment, we have the Second Amendment. Many European countries have already disarmed their citizens. If we have the spirit, we have the guns. Lose either, and we will truly be the sheeple that the people of Europe have already become.
Keep an eye on Europe. They are living our last 214 years in a quarter of the time. In a few years, they will be living our political future. By 2010 our political masters here in America will be following their lead. Be ready to fight. That is if you truly love freedom.
Jeff Adams
26 July 2001