Mike Burns - 04/18/98 20:29:27
Reb or Yank: Reb
Favourite General: Lee
Should the CSA be restored?: ???
I'm in the most nothern Southern state. Everyone assumes that because West Virginia went yankee, that we still are. But we are below the Mason-Dixon line. Nice site. I'll be back
Hello Mr. Confederate Partisan,
This l'il ole south'un magnolia jus luvs to come over to your place for a visit. It's always such a pleasure to view the South through a true South'un Gentleman's eyes. I'll be back, have the mint juleps ready...........
Great Site ! I'll be back. Deo Vindice !!
Enjoyed your site. You've done a great job.
I saw your banner on top of my page one day so I decided to say hi because at one of my friend's house and he has Confederate stuff everywhere and my friend Chris thinks that slavery should be reinstated so I thought I should check your page out! C-ya!
Debra - 04/03/98 05:33:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Spa/7803/rainbowsworld.html
My Email:rainbow2net@webtv.net
Reb or Yank: Reb
You have a really nice site! Great information
on the Confederacy.
I clicked on your website from the History Ring. I found it very interesting and well put together. Great Job!
great page and thanks for speaking out against all the hate groups that give the confederate heritage a bad name.
I stopped by to see your page. It looks really nice.
I am in the heart of Dixie
and Dixie is in the Heart of Me...
Great page..Would like to link your page to mine using your Banner. You are familar with how Webtv works so you know I'll need the URL. Are you a member of the Sons Of Confederate Veterans? If not, Go to my page and get more info.
Am looking at your site for the Dixieland Ring voting. Very well put together. You have my vote!
Comments: Paul
Good and interesting page with a different point of view. I must say I enjoyed reading through it all. I could go on forever regarding my opinion with the South being restored as a nation, but I don't want
o take up the space here. Keep up your excellent efforts.
Love the page, brother. The South is like Heaven without ever having to pass through those beautiful pearly gates. I love my Alabama and wouldn't trade her for nothing!!! The South shall rise again!!!
I had relatives on both sides. But the South had every right to seceed legally and morally. I am a graduate History major but I didn't learn the above in any school. Welcome to the fold of those who have gone beyond the contemptable instruction we receive
in formal education to dig out the true history of the CSA.
As far as your question is concerned-We took our best shot from 1861 to 1865 and all the people in the United States lost when we failed. The Federal Government is too deep into the states and peoples lives now to get it changed. The states have become
othing more than an administrative arm of the Federal Government and this is a direct result of the Wars outcome. As a congresswoman said on a news show today-We are a national people in the United States and not a sectional people-This is how whoever is
n power in the Federal Government, Democrat or Republican, acts in emposing what they think is best for all while ignoring the rights, opinions, or feelings of the minority and in some cases ignoring the same things of the majority. Of course there are t
mes when some minority special interest group gets the ear of the Federal Government and can get a program through. But I think what I am saying is that we have an executive and ledgislative branch of government that can do almost anything it wants regar
less of what the people of he country want. Read a lot of John C Calhouns works and he explains it very well. It is about the protection of a large minority rights from the dictates of the majority when the minority feels they are being forced to do somet
ing to which they do not agree. Enough for now, glad you have come aboard.
Great site. Keep up the good work
Great new page on the net. Always remember the war was 135 years ago, with people who were from
a different era, time and place.
Thanks for inviting me. This is truly a wonderful Southern Site. I always enjoy spending time here.
Wonderful looking page - you've put a lot of work and research into it and it shows. I especially like the poetry and music - much of it could be from either side. I'm proud of you - you've done a great job.
Hi Buddy!Super page y'all got here, keep up the Great Work for Dear Ol' DIXIE! Together we can make a difference in DIXIE. Welcome to the "Confederate Ring. also!!
Great page! I'll be back often!