Lesser Known Historical Excerpts Relevant to The War for Southern Independence - This excellent essay by Eric Patterson was once an award winning site by itself. Mr Patterson has graciously allowed us to make it a part of the Confederate Partisan site.
The South as its Own Nation - from League of the South
What should we call the War? - Should we, as Southrons, use the term "Civil War"?
Commentary from
Jeff Adams
Jeff Adams
is a former U.S. Air Force officer. He currently works as a business analyst
for a company headquartered in Houston . Jeff holds a B.S. degree in
Engineering and a Masters in Human Resources. He resides in Fort Worth, Texas.
Jeff Adams is a frequent contributor to The Edgefield Journal. Y'all may have seen some
of these articles there. If you havent -
Disillusioned Blacks Turn Their Backs on
NAACP - 01 August 2001
government in store for European Union - 26 july 2001
Military Service: Working for Leviathan - 19
July 2001
They Don't Write 'em Like That
Anymore - 10 July 2001
Keeping Us Divided Against Each Other - 26 June 2001
Whose Fault is it That the Confederate House
Changed its Name? - 16 May 2001
or the South? - 9 April 2001
The Role of
Parents - 12 March 2001
Is Anyone
in Europe Paying Attention? What About Here in the U.S.? - 14 March
Persecution of Christians in
America - 23 March 2001
The Klan of the
21st Century is Spelled N-A-A-C-P - 13 February 2001
Striking the Southern Cord - 8 February
Southern Honor, Southern Pride - 10
January 2001
The South vs. the Borg - 28
December 2000
Black Woman Honors Her Confederate
Ancestor - 8 December 1999
Read more of Jeff's articles in the Adams Archives
Did black Americans fight for the Confederacy? Was the War Between The States really fought over slavery?
Saluting a Black Man's Service to the Confederacy
Skirmishing Over A Truer War Account
The Civil War wasn't about slavery
On the Issue of Black Confederates
For Johnny Reb, The War was not about slavery
Blacks' role in
support of Confederacy stirs debate
8 Confederate Changes - A brief look at the Confederate Constitution.
America's Caesar - Abraham Lincoln and the Birth of a Modern Empire
These essays have been collected from a variety of sources. If you hold
copyright on anything appearing here, please let me know so credit can be given
where due. If you would like your essay, article, or commentary printed here
send it to me at
All submissions will be reviewed and posted as
soon as possible. Credit will be given where due. I reserve the right to reject
any submission for any reason.